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Brand Portrait with a twist 

I'm a Brand Photography expert - I help female business owners create powerful online content and strong brand visuals that reflect their energy, values and personality

I am however not your standard brand photographer. My services would be best suited to creative souls such as artists, musicians, writers, healers, and all the businesses linked to spirituality or nature. 


The Process


I want you to remember that the most unique and extraordinary element of your business is YOU.


If you need brand photography session which goes above and beyond the traditional norms of sitting in front of laptop or holding your coffee cup - why not book in a discovery call to make sure we’re the perfect match.


We create a mood board to bounce off ideas and to ensure that we’re both on the same page.


We talk through your values, ethos and your ideal client to make sure we’re speaking to them directly. I want to help you to be seen, and I want to see your business grow. 


We discuss brand colours, outfit choices, we have fun going through my Client Wardrobe to ensure that we have a well-organised tight schedule for your shoot day.


It’s your shoot day... We shoot in two locations to ensure a variety for your marketing channels.


We wrap up the shoot and you receive over one-hundred images.

So now you know how it all works... Get ready to get more bookings from being more visible in your business!



Collection 1

Fresh Start Package


For brave women who decided to take a leap of faith and turn their passion into a business


20 images to kick start their online presence on social media, website  and other marketing channels


Use of Client Wardrobe


60 min session 



Collection 2

Signature Package


For the business owners who want to elevate their brand with a library of stunning imagery


100 carefully curated images with my fine art editing   


Detailed planning to ensure visuals capture your brand and YOU


Use of Client Wardrobe


Two different locations for a wide variety of content


A 3-hour shoot capturing everything that you and your brand stand for


Collection 3

Annual Package


For the well established business woman to elevate content across your well-engaged marketing platforms


A consistent flow of images throughout the year


In-depth evaluation and understanding of your brand output


4 bespoke shoots per year


This creates an impactful library of current and relevant images that show your transformation and growth to help you stand out as the best person in your field

Get in touch to find out more

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